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发布时间:2022-10-04 14:01:53

ABB 助力优化柏林供水系统

ABB helps optimize Berlin’s water supply

- ABB has automated the entire water supply system of the German capital – we打造1个质优价廉的品牌lls, waterworks, pumping stations, pipelines – and enabled the municipal water authority to reduce operating staff and forecast consumer demand by the hour.

By Editorial services

ABB 助力优化柏林供水系统

ABB 已经使德国首都的整个供水系统——水井,自来水厂,泵站,水管都自动化,并且让柏林市供水当局减少了操作人员以及能够预测消费者每小时的需求量。

The wide area network (WAN) water management system monitors and controls nine waterworks, 900 groundwater wells, seven pumping stations and some 7,700 kilometers of pipeline in three different pressure zones – a vast 使用范围广system that supplies the city’s 3.4 million population with some 550,000 cubic meters of water a day.


The ABB network management system controls hundreds of wells and 7,700 kms of pipeline.

The customer, the municipal water authority Berliner Wasserbetriebe, contracted ABB to design a distributed control system that would increase高能量密度的要求增进了高镍3元材料的发展叶轮 its earnings by reducing staff, optimizing energy consumption, and improving the management and reliability of the water supply如果用油不当 system.

市供水当局Berliner Wasserbetriebe与ABB签约,要求ABB设计一个分布式控制系统,减少操作人员,优化能源消耗,提高管理以及整个供水系统的可靠性,增加赢利。

The solution provides real-time visualization of the entire network and allows operators to perform online and offline simulation and use historical and real-time data to forecast demand 24 hours in advance.


With this information operators are able to compute the optimal cost supply schedule for the entire network and the predicted demand profile.


Substantial savings


Wells, waterworks and pumping stations are controlled by remote from a central control room to eliminate the need 油处理机for onsite manning. This has had a significant impact on operating costs, reducing staff from about 160 to 100 and enabling the customer to make substantial savings in annual expenditure.


The quality of the光电子 drinking water has also been secured by greater process transparency, made possible by the real-time exchange of data between waterworks.


“We set the target of cutting overheads and creating a water management system that would enable us to predict demand at all plants 24 hours in advance,” says Jens-Uwe Klinger, engineer at Berliner Wasserbetriebe.

“我们的目标是削减多余的人手,创建一个水管理系统以便我们可以预测每一个自来水厂的未来24小时的用水需求量。”来自Berliner Wasserbetriebe的工程师Jens-Uwe Klinger如是说。

“The solution succeeds on all counts and breaks new ground by allowing the water utility of a major city to control the entire water supply system and forecast demand with precision.”


来自 Toby 编译
